23 June, 2020

Eurasian Economic Union Affiliate

ISPE announced today the formation of the new Eurasian Economic Union (Eurasia) Affiliate. The Affiliate will provide a local forum through which professionals in Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan can contribute to the advancement of the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry.

ISPE has 39 Affiliates and Chapters worldwide that provide venues for its Members to knowledge-share and stay connected to the pharmaceutical industry at the local level while engaging in open dialogue on issues and solutions that will ultimately benefit patients around the world.

We are proud to welcome the Eurasia Affiliate and grow our base of Affiliates and Chapters, which is the backbone of ISPE. It is at the local level where collaboration and empowerment thrive, contributing to the success of the Society and the advancement of the pharmaceutical industry. This has been recently demonstrated with several ISPE Affiliates and Chapters initiating efforts within their local communities to respond to COVID-19. We are incredibly proud and inspired by our Members' actions and I look forward to the positive impact the Eurasia Affiliate will make on the pharmaceutical industry.

Board Members for the ISPE Eurasia Affiliate include:

Vladimir Orlov
ISPE EAEU Affiliate
Oxana Pryanichnikova
Business Development Director
Vice Chair
Placeholder Person Graphic
Svetlana Minchenkova
Placeholder Person Graphic
Polina Rodionova
Secretary of ISPE EAEU Affiliate


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