Date:  1st May 2024
Time:  15:30 - 18:45
Venue:  Spirax Sarco, Running Road, Cheltenham  GL51 9NQ

The ISPEUK Affiliate Southern Committee in conjunction with IChemE  and hosted by Spirax Sarco,  are holding a  Decarbonising Thermal Energy from Industrial Systems facility tour on 1st May 2024.

Spirax Sarco are  world Leading suppliers of Steam systems for industry. They are one of the countries largest steam consumers as well as offering products and services to the global market. This has driven them to look at Carbon reduction solutions for internal use as well as their customers.

The team at Spirax Sarco would like to share their successful journey through the decarbonisation of Steam and how this has enabled additional sustainable steam solutions for their clients.

The event will include additional speakers from industry to support the messages and discuss results that can be considered for anyone embarking on a similar sustainability journey.


15.30  Arrival

15.45  Introduction / Welcome   -  ISPE / ICHEME

16.00  -   16.30    -   Decarbonising Industrial Thermal Energy Applications           (Mark Sadler)

16.30  -   16.55    -   Optimising Steam Consumption and Alternative Solutions   (Ben Firth)

16.55  -   17.20    -   Refreshments / Networking

17.20  -   17.50    -   Facility Tour

17.50  -   18.15  -     Towards Net Zero Carbon, A Journey in Pharma      (Nadira Adjali)

18.15  -   18.45    -   Remaining Questions  -  Close  by  ISPE / ICHEME


Members : £10.00 *

Non Members : £20.00

  • Members of Affiliate Network bodies can register as ISPE Members.  This includes IChemE/MechE/IET/RSC/BIA/ABPI members



Any Material Presented in this event will not have been peer to peer reviewed. Any opinions are the presenters own views and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the food and drink special interest group. All Information is given in good faith but without liability on the part of IChemE or ISPE associates.

Neither IChemE or ISPE will be storing any data linked with this event