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Technical PresentationLive-streamed education sessions.

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Before the Event
Mon, 26 Jun
  • 1330 - 1400
    The Digital Conundrum
    In today’s world, data and digital tools can be transformative for industries and organisations with digital threads of data that span the product lifecycle and beyond traditional organisation boundaries. BioPhorum’s Digital Technology Roadmap sets out the challenges and identifies the key enablers for organisations to tackle to unlock the potential of digital. Members of both the Technology Roadmapping group and the IT group share examples of where they are collaborating, and concrete examples of solutioning that is scalable. These solutions enable progress for the industry as a whole, encompassing considerations for all aspects of development from raw material to product, for the future of the industry.
  • 1330 - 1400
    Sustainability in Biopharma Critical Utilities
    Five years into the revision to monograph 0169 of the European Pharmacopoeia allowing methods other than distillation for the generation of WFI, and among the current turmoil in the energy markets, how are the economic and sustainability considerations evolving in biopharmaceutical critical utility design? This presentation explores how CAPEX, OPEX, and sustainability factors into the true total cost of ownership (TCO) of WFI generation and distribution in biopharmaceutical manufacturing. Using distillation-based “hot” vs. membrane-based “cold” WFI generation as a case study, we explain how material flow cost accounting (MFCA) and life cycle inventories (LCIs) are used to conduct realistic and comprehensive life cycle assessments (LCA) to determine how a biopharmaceutical manufacturer’s particular use case – in terms of the demand specifics for both PW and WFI as well as what the inputs (i.e. energy and materials) supply structure is locally at the facility – impacts TCO and sustainability.
  • 1400 - 1430
    Assessing the Manufacturing Digital Thread
    Demonstrate a pharmaceutical digital thread from R&D through Clinical Trials to product approval and release. The digital thread view will provide attendees with a roadmap template they could use to initiate their own digital transformation assessment. A potential future state will be shown to give attendees a view of the possible. Most often, critical data resides in places that are unmined and these will be presented as gaps. Other gaps such as lack of data integration will also be displayed. Through case studies, attendees will see the benefits to be gained from focusing on digital threads as they embark on their transformation journey.
  • 1400 - 1430
    DataSpaces - A New Paradigm in Supply Chain Optimisation
    Data spaces are a relatively new concept in the field of supply chain management, and they have the potential to revolutionise the way pharmaceutical manufacturers operate. A Data Space is defined as “a decentralised infrastructure for trustworthy data sharing and exchange in data ecosystems, based on commonly agreed principles”. Simply put, data spaces are digital platforms that use advanced technologies such as blockchain and IoT to create an immutable record of all transactions and activities within the supply chain. By providing real-time visibility into the manufacturing process, inventory levels, shipping schedules and much more data spaces can help to optimise production and distribution processes.
  • 1430 - 1500
    AI Solution Validation for Environmental Monitoring
    Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning covers a broad set of technologies that are increasingly being used across the Life Science Industry. Machine learning is a subset of AI and involves computers processing large amounts of data in order to build mathematical models (i.e., algorithms) based on data in order to make predictions or decisions. Regulated companies have initiated the implementation of this powerful tools to facilitate and automate processes potentially affecting Patient Safety and Product Quality.  Based upon this technological approach, an automated solution for Automatic Trend Analysis has been designed and implemented to allow the automatic evaluation of the environmental trend (e.g., water points, cleanrooms) acquired from the LIMS database. On a recurring base (e.g. weekly) the system reads monitoring test data of a specific element and runs a ML-based algorithm to try and detect Out of Trend (OOT) in the trend. The presentation will describe the Life cycle implemented for the development, release and maintenance of the Machine learning embedded in the SW Solution executed by the Business Process Owner.
  • 1430 - 1500
    Monosource and Single Use Technology Risk
    The Covid-19 pandemic revealed how tenuous our global supply chains are. Everyone felt the sting from increased demand of certain items and reduced manufacturing. A pandemic is just one root cause of a material supply disruption. Increased demand of items which close manufacturing processes have led to shortages of single-use technology such as product bags or filters. Biologics, Medical Devices and Pharmaceuticals use thousands of materials to manufacture their products and disruption to the supply of just one of those items can wreak havoc on manufacturing schedules and the ability to ensure consistent supply to the patient. Performing a monosource material risk assessment provides the structure to prioritize and evaluate materials in order to develop a practical mitigation strategy and implement controls that will help ensure a steady supply of manufacturing materials.
  • 1530 - 1600
    Beyond Smart Factories - AstraZeneca’s Global Operations
    Digital transformation is more than electronic systems and connectivity, it is a holistic program that increases visibility (the what) and transparency (the why) and enables predictive and adaptive responses to real time events at plant and throughout the supply chain. This presentation will cover a range of topics across key elements of the biopharmaceutical supply eco-system, illustrated with in-use cases and important lessons learnt along the way. Core to the digital journey are concepts of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP), lighthouse teams, and quick scaleability to deliver lost cost / no cost solutions that maximise the original return on investment.
  • 1530 - 1600
    Patient Centric Specifications for Biological Products
    The development of patient centric or clinically relevant specifications builds on existing industry guidance and utilizes the science and knowledge generated through the development and life-cycle of a biologic. By taking this understanding and applying it to establish specifications that focus on the patient, rather than simply the batch data available at time of clinical/marketing application, significant benefits can be gained for patients.

    This presentation will cover the application of patient centric specifications for a range of critical quality attributes. It will highlight the challenges the industry is faced with by adopting and managing discordant product specifications, across both a clinical and commercial space, and the benefits from adopting patient centric specifications will be discussed. The hope is that wider adoption of these principles could form the cornerstone to achieving global regulatory harmonization, reducing the complexity of managing a product through its life-cycle, improving supply chain robustness and minimizing drug shortage and disruption of supply of medicines to patients.

    This presentation builds on the principles discussed in the white paper prepared by ISPE patient centric specification working group: Bercu, J., Berlam, S.C., Berridge, J. et al. J Pharm Innov (2019) 14: 76.
  • 1600 - 1630
    Self-Learning Digital Twins for Faster Time to Market
    End-to-end digital twins of the manufacturing process are getting increasingly important tools for process development and characterization. In the past companies employed Design of Experiments (DoE) to characterize each unit operation of the manufacturing process individually. However, the mutual interplay of multiple unit operations has not been explored. Here we want to present how end-to-end process models can be used as a self-learning recommender system that suggests which runs should be planned to explore the relationship between CPPs and CQAs and which runs should be planned to study the interaction between unit operations. This reduces the amount of unnecessary experiments. We will show in a simulation study that is based upon an industrial case study that this recommender system – called holistic DoE (hDoE) - can save more than 50% of the experiments for a typical process characterization study. This will open up new possibilities in experimental planning, substantially reduce experimental costs and time-to-market.
  • 1600 - 1630
    Assessment of Recombinant Factor C for Endotoxin Testing
    The Agency has a vested interest in understanding the specific failure modes and performance challenges of commercially available Rapid Microbiological Methods (RMMs) in comparison to conventional compendial methods in the manufacturing process of biologics drug products to confirm that the recombinant technologies are comparable to providing sterility assurance of drug sterility for patient use. The use of a recombinant Factor C (rFC) endotoxin test was recently approved in two CDER BLAs and rFC tests are currently used to test more than 20 clinical products under IND development. In this study we propose to investigate several commercially available rFC kits for endotoxin detection for risk assessment in biologic manufacturing.
  • 1630 - 1700
    Panel Discussion with All Speakers from Track 2
Before the Event
Tue, 27 Jun
  • 0800 - 0900
    Tools for Success in a Multinational and Multigenerational Environment Sponsored by ISPE Women in Pharma® 
    This Women in Pharma® sponsored session features a panel presentation focusing on personal experiences and best business practices when managing business negotiations and operations across borders and age groups. Through this session, you will hear leadership anecdotes of lessons learned, and acquire tools to better manage cultural differences and seamlessly integrate generational perspectives.
  • 0915 - 0945
    2B or Not 2B? Readiness for the PPQ of a Cell Therapy
    As many ATMPs including genetically modified cell-based therapies move swiftly through the CMC process design and development to keep up with an accelerated clinical pathway, the planning to be ready for the critically important Process Performance Qualification (what some refer to as Stage 2B of the Process Validation Lifecycle) must begin early and must be appropriately managed. The employment of a science-driven and risk-based approach has never been more important for managing this process borrowing from lessons learned from previous biopharmaceutical products while also addressing the unique challenges associated with this novel type of product. Alignment of key CMC activities that are pre-requisites for the PPQ including process design and characterization, analytical methods validation, materials (raw/ancillary/starting) qualification and availability, and supply chain logistics (to name some but not all) is of utmost importance to success. In this presentation we will discuss the pre-requisites for the PPQ and how to address the unique challenges faced for the manufacture of a genetically modified cell-based therapy. Examples of custom tools and risk assessments to prepare for the PPQ of a genetically modified cell-based therapy within an ambitious overall project timeline will be detailed.
  • 0935 - 0955
    From Hospital to Commercial Manufacturing
    Along the “Wild Atlantic Way” in the West of Ireland, a unique and established supply chain has been in operation over several years to procure, manufacture and deliver GMP approved clinical therapy (ATMP) products to patients. This involves Galway University Hospital (GUH), Galway Blood and Tissue Establishment (GBTH), the Clinical Research Facility (CRF) and the Centre for Cell Manufacturing (CCMI-REMEDI) at the University of Galway, Ireland.

    The Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI) at the University of Galway were instrumental in establishing the Centre for Cell Manufacturing Ireland (CCMI) as part of their translational mission to deliver actual stem cell therapies to the clinic. To that end, after successfully securing regulatory authorisation to manufacture human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSCs) for use in clinical trials, CCMI have delivered on CLI Trial EudraCT. No 2013-003447-37, ADIPOA-2 Trial EudraCT. No 2015-002125 and Nephstrom Trial EudraCT. No 2016-000661-23. The ultimate objective of these clinical programs is to offer patients with debilitating, incurable conditions an alternative treatment through advanced therapies. These State-EU funded treatments were clearly “Not for profit” and the challenge to commercialise such treatments is a pressing goal for all stakeholders in the ATMP – Cell and Gene Therapy space. The intention of this presentation is to offer an insight into the challenges and enablers that may help to commercialise such therapies and is based on experiences gained from delivering such therapies from a Hospital-University setting, albeit these trials were State-EU funded.
  • 0945 - 1015
    A Mechanistic Model of an ICB Process
    National Resilience, Inc. (Resilience) is a first-of-its-kind manufacturing and technology company dedicated to broadening access to complex medicines and protecting biopharmaceutical supply chains against disruption. As a part of this vision, Resilience is developing an advanced end-to- end continuous drug substance manufacturing platform for biological molecules using Siemens gPROMS Formulated Products mechanistic and hybrid modelling platform. To enable robustness, facilitate in silico process characterization, and enable an efficient process control strategy, we are developing a mechanistic model with uncertainty analysis for an integrated and continuous biomanufacturing (ICB) process at Resilience. Described herein are the steps for the development of ICB model. The individual unit operation process models were built separately and then integrated into an end-to-end flowsheet simulation. The model is being used to determine the impact of expected disturbances, deviations, and provide a disturbance divergence strategy to maintain the product quality attribute. With uncertainty analysis, the model can provide the critical level analysis of process parameters along with the identification of failure boundaries on product quality.
  • 0955 - 1015
    Development of a Commercially Scalable Oncolytic Vaccine Production Process for Viral Immunotherapy
    Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products are a new treatment modality in the pharmaceutical industry. APC Ltd, Dublin, is one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical process engineering research and development companies. Recently, APC Ltd. developed a scalable manufacturing process for an ATMP, a novel oncolytic vaccine produced in adherent cells. The initial manufacturing process in place was not scalable or commercially viable. APC Ltd. developed a scalable microcarrier based upstream and downstream process. During process development, APC Ltd. overcame the known production challenges with titre recovery and impurity clearance. The scaled process resulted in a 400 % increase in virus production per cell with an impurity profile on target. The number of doses produced was 16 times higher than the previous process with an 8-fold cost reduction per dose and the medicine to patient time was accelerated 3-fold. As a result, more patients could receive this novel advanced treatment option.
  • 1015 - 1045
    Innovating Technology to Meet future Needs in Biopharma
    How do you prioritize innovation in complex landscapes of competing priorities and finite resources? BioPhorum Technology Roadmapping Phorum have developed an industry vision for biomanufacturing that can help shape strategies and identify key areas of focus. Members of the Phorum leadership team will share this, and also examples of where this has led to innovation collaboration on topics. The roadmap, will be presented alongside recent developments in priority areas agreed by the industry. These developments enable progress for the industry as a whole through identifying technology targets and modelling solutions, for example current work includes proving through concept demonstrators and business case modelling, plug and play hardware, smaller buffer preparation footprints and driving the move for more standard facility design to accelerate capacity builds.
  • 1115 - 1135
    Flexible and Multi-Modal ATMP Facilities
    Flexible manufacturing equipment and process flows can now support many distinct production modalities. Multimodal facilities can be designed to accommodate equipment and process flows enabling ease of changeover between entities; concurrent production of more than one product; and ease of future modifications. Distinctions in ATMP facility design are determined by the manufacturing technologies, safety requirements, and regulatory characteristics of the active substance (cell, peptide, or oligo type), delivery vector (viral, vesicle, or molecular), and drug product. Considerations in multi-modal facility design begin with such high-level questions as what in-house manufacturing will be change-over dependant (campaign based), or parallel and concurrent production based. Then such tactical questions can be entertained as the required biosafety level or hazardous area classification; closed, single-use and/or automated processes; straight through processing; and environmental sustainability imperatives. The GMP considerations relating to regulations such as EU GMP Annex 1 and PIC/s Annex 1 are also a critical factor particularly in relation to CT manufacturing. Creative solutions for multi-modal facilities are now supported by such Pharma 5.0 advances as modern building information modelling (BIM) technologies. Such digital architectural tools enable suite and facility designs optimising the desired flexibility in equipment and process flows.
  • 1115 - 1145
    Application of Lean Sigma to Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
    In this presentation Dr. O'Connell will present an introduction to the twin concepts of Lean Manufacturing and the Six Sigma Quality improvement strategy, DMAIC, ending with describing how they can be jointly applied to pharmaceutical manufacturing. The term LSS or Lean Six Sigma is currently used in a number of successful manufacturing companies (both worldwide and in Ireland). This presentation will describe the various forms of non-value add in manufacturing, highlight the benefits, phases of DMAIC and give an overview accompanying tools used for process improvement, specifically the reduction of variability. Lean will focus on enhancing throughput as it involves the elimination of non-value add activities in the manufacturing process.
  • 1145 - 1215
    Characterisation & Modeling: Biopharmaceutical Processes
    Many novel biologic-based therapeutics are progressing through the development process toward EMA and FDA filings and future approvals. The long-term viability of these new therapeutics partly depends upon the development of efficient and robust bio-manufacturing processes. Characterization, optimization, and long-term control of these processes is a requirement and development and then implementation of effective predictive models support this requirement. Traditionally, characterization is costly, time consuming, and often no effective predictive models result from these efforts.  We propose by using highly efficient experimental designs and predictive modeling methods from machine learning, cost effective and reliable predictive models can be developed. The models subsequently may be used for scale-down modeling, process characterization, optimization, and identification of critical process parameters for manufacturing control strategies.  Using highly efficient space filling experimental designs combined with a novel method of predictive model developed known as self-validating ensemble modeling (SVEM) combined with artificial neural networks (ANNs) allows for predictive models to be designed that are more representative i.e. predictive.
  • 1215 - 1245
    Digital Twins – A Generic Methodology Along the Bioproduct Life Cycle
      No matter if classical biologics or ATMPs – generic methodologies are needed to efficiently identify robust control strategies along the product life cycle.
    Digital twins are a means to capture and to deploy knowledge for example for efficient experimental design, prediction of product quality or process events or also for process optimization.
    This contribution shows use cases, as to how digital twins can be deployed for various modalities, also including random effects from starting material as this is an inherent challenge for ATMPs.
    Last but not least we discuss prerequisites to commercialize digital twin approaches.
  • 1415 - 1435
    How to Combine Multiple Modalities with Speed & Agility
    ATMP (Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products) facilities are different to the more conventional pharmaceutical facilities, often requiring heightened segregation. Many organizations are evaluating how different modalities may be combined within the same facility having acquired a building, or having constructed an agnostic building. Accommodating multiple modalities in the same facility is therefore becoming an increasingly important requirement and not least during the COVID-19 pandemic when rapidly developing and launching new vaccines. The presentation describes a basic framework and methodology that may be used when evaluating different types of modalities and how they may be accommodated in a new or existing facility. A case study is used to demonstrate how the approach may be applied to an existing facility.
  • 1415 - 1440
    SpikeVax and Establishment of a Vaccine Platform
    The rapid introduction of a pandemic vaccine created a challenge to the classical sequential approach to process characterization, transfer, and validation at production scale. The lessons learned from this unprecedented opportunity allows for rapid introduction of related variants. Further, the lessons learned influenced decisions in establishing a vaccine platform process which will allow for faster transfer of additional vaccines to market with less onerous process characterization, technology transfer and process validation activities.  Considerations for consumables selection, equipment sizing, batch scale, automation, and digital integration was necessary to ensure a robust platform can be established which would accelerate speed to market while not introducing additional risks that would require rework in the future.
  • 1435 - 1455
    Fast-Track Delivery of a Hybrid SU/SS Process
    This presentation will cover WuXi Biologics’ new biopharmaceutical contract manufacturing facility in Dundalk, Ireland, which has set industry benchmarks in time to market, scale, and flexibility. A unique approach to the process scope of supply was a key factor in this achievement. WuXi Biologics chose the largest available single use bioreactors (4,000L), a hybrid single-use/stainless steel process design, and an integrated approach for process design, manufacturing, installation, and commissioning. The result is a highly flexible, large-scale process that was turned over only 28 months after start of design, with much of the project occurring during the COVID-19 crisis. In this talk, we provide details of the process scope as well as the project execution approach.
  • 1440 - 1505
    DNA Matrices for mRNA Synthesis
    Messenger (m)RNA is increasingly investigated as a platform technology. The delivery of the genetic information offers potentially broad therapeutic applications. For almost all mRNA therapeutics the sequence is introduced by a linear DNA template. Those linear DNA templates can be manufactured via different strategies what comes with additional challenges, but also provides options to affect the behavior of the desired mRNA product.
  • 1455 - 1515
    Standardization Leads to Agility Leads to Speed
    How does standardization of aseptic filling accelerate drug development? Traditionally aseptic filling processes were developed as a custom solution late in the drug development process, often dedicated to a single drug candidate. That approach is less often successful, as drug candidates can fail, leaving companies with equipment that can’t be used for other purposes. Standardized flexible systems that fill drug into any type of dosage container can solve this problem. The impact of standardization doesn’t stop there. It has benefits other than reducing the risk of unnecessary custom equipment. It allows for lean manufacturing of the equipment, drastically reducing lead times. Standardization allows the development of a shared body of knowledge, allowing end-users to collaborate across companies. A network of standardized systems simplifies technology transfer and even allows the development of common regulatory strategies. This presentation will highlight case studies from several companies that used standard aseptic filling systems to accelerate their drug development.
  • 1505 - 1530
    Cell and Gene Therapy Critical Starting Material – Establishing Release Specifications for Plasmids
    Effective control of plasmid DNA is paramount since plasmids are critical starting materials for the generation of viral vectors and mRNA used in many cell and gene therapies. In their latest publication, a collaboration of industry colleagues at BioPhorum discuss current best practices and emerging technologies aimed at complementing broader industry efforts to advance release testing of plasmid DNA and the bacterial master cell banks used to produce them.
  • 1515 - 1530
    Panel Discussion with Speakers from Track 6: Part 1
    Following the three presentations by Alfred Penfold, Tom Bannon, Richard Shah, Scott Brady, Aine Brennan and Thomas Page, you'll have the chance you ask your questions.
  • 1600 - 1625
    Commercial Plasmid Manufacturing
    Global demand for genetically modified therapies like cell & gene therapies along with mRNA vaccines has spiked in the last few years.  With that, plasmid manufacturing market is expected to growth at a CAGR of over 20% in the coming years. To keep pace with the increasing demand, new manufacturing capacity is needed.

    The most common production process is based on bacterial fermentation. Even if it is well established, the design and realization of new manufacturing facilities is not exempted of challenges. Factors like production scale (i.e.. batch size), type of plasmid (i.e. drug product vs drug substance vs starting material) as well as GMP requirements (i.e. multi-product, contamination control, risk based approaches) will determine the design and future operations.
  • 1600 - 1625
    Rapid Implementation of Continuous Manufacturing
    We developed a GMP modular continuous processing system that lowers the hurdles of adopting new technologies. This technology was designed to (1) meet drug product demand, (2) provide modular, mobile manufacturing, and (3) reduce environmental impact. Demand for Covid mAbs increased 20X in 2.5 months. To meet such demand, the system increases manufacturing capacity by employing continuous processing. The off-the-shelf system runs any four unit operations simultaneously, resulting in 4X more product. The modular design accommodates different products and processes. Single-use product-contact surfaces allow for quick changes between products. The system is fully closed, can roll through a standard door, and plug into a standard outlet, allowing deployment in various locations. Environmental impact is minimized with compact, single-use equipment, eliminating the need for CIP and SIP systems. Combining four steps shrinks facility footprint requirements another 60%. The system was designed with ease of implementation in mind. Despite operating in a continuous manner, the control strategy ensures batch key process parameters can be maintained in most if not all cases, reducing the burden on process development and process validation activities. This fact, and familiarity of the system by regulatory agencies, reduces unknowns and speeds adoption of this novel technology.
  • 1625 - 1650
    Downstream Process Development for High Productivity Purification of Plasmid DNA
    Key challenges in pDNA manufacturing exist around purification unit operations due to its large size, high viscosity, shear sensitivity, and similarities between pDNA and impurities. During this presentation a generic manufacturing template that overcomes these challenges will be discussed based on a comprehensive case study encompassing all downstream unit operations (operations include cell harvest, lysis, clarification, tangential flow filtration, and chromatography).
  • 1625 - 1650
    Boost Production Agility by Tracking Daily Inventories
    With demand outstripping supply and the increased focus on access to medicine, the need to maximize production yield and throughput in biopharma remains a high priority. A challenge that spans ERP to the plant floor is having an accurate daily picture of inventory levels throughout all the interconnected production steps. Without this visibility, both scheduling and production personnel are less equipped to make effective decisions that fine-tune operations. This can negatively impact production yield and throughput. Efficient use of materials and energy are also affected, and product traceability becomes more challenging. In this presentation, learn about the latest advances in daily inventory accounting through a dynamic mass balance approach that reconciles all relevant flow, level, composition, density and related measurements to give an accurate picture of the work-in-progress inventory throughout the production process. This approach provides accurate plan vs actual information for scheduling and production, and improves yield, throughput and energy efficiency through more informed corrective adjustments to operating conditions.
  • 1650 - 1715
    Design Considerations for ATMP Manufacturing Facilities
    Considerations in the design of ATMP Manufacturing Facilities will be outlined and discussed. Design challenges for both Allogenic and Autologous Cell Therapy and Gene Therapy manufacturing will be reviewed. Unique aspects of manufacturing supports such as material controls and sampling requirements will also be outlined including some case studies.
  • 1650 - 1715
    Panel Discussion with Speakers from Track 6: Part 2
    Following the presentations by Celeste Amadei with PAK BioSolutions and Monica Lomeli with Aspen Technology, you'll have the chance you ask your questions.