iSpeak Blog

ISPE NASAAC Leaders Meet and Build Plans to Strengthen Member Value


ISPE’s North and South American Affiliate Council (NASAAC) met with Board Members and Staff in Tampa, Florida, on 24-25 March 2014, to collaborate on strategies to strengthen ISPE and help enhance the success of ISPE’s Affiliates and Chapters in the region.   In addition to discussing future strategy and business planning, the meeting focused on leadership and growth initiatives, which resulted in ideas for enhancing Member value.  This year, the Society has plans for three strategy meetings with its Affiliates and Chapters. The first meeting, held in Tampa, included Chapters located in North and South America; a second meeting with European Affiliates will be held in Frankfurt, Germany, 26-27 April 2014, and a third meeting with the Affiliates located in Asia-Pacific will be held 6-7 May 2014, in Jakarta, Indonesia. From the NASAAC meeting, two task forces were created: Task Force 1 will develop a comprehensive scope of services for chapter and affiliate managers, and Task Force 2 will propose new models for membership growth and retention incentives and revenue sharing.  These groups will share findings and seek input from their European and Asia-Pacific colleagues throughout the year. SONY DSC The Chapters were represented by : Doyle Johnson, Jr., Chair; Shannah Schodle, CRB, Co-Chair; Tim Alsin, Midwest; David Bendet, San Francisco/Bay Area; Tony Crincoli, New Jersey; Eric Danielson, AICP, Midwest; Matt Gilson, Carolina-South Atlantic; Tim Glasson, South Central; Shannon Goodson, South Central; Lou Junker, PhD, Rocky Moutain; Alan Levy, Delaware Valley; David McAlonan  (by phone), Great Lakes; Matt McMenamin, Delaware Valley; Mike Molloy, PE, Chesapeake Bay Area; Chris Opolski, Boston Area; Dan Ramsey, Boston Area; Jason Rifkin, Chesapeake Bay Area; Vern Solomon, Central Canada; Dr. Marta Vidal ( phone), Argentina Affiliate; Jennifer Lauria Clark, CPIP, ISPE Board Member; Gordon Leichter, ISPE Board Member; Nancy Berg, ISPE CEO and President; Mike Dade, ISPE staff; Tracey Ryan, ISPE staff; Debra Sher, CAE, ISPE staff. Additional ISPE staff attended all or portions of the two-day meeting: LaTanya Benford; Kindra Bess; Marianne Bock; Gloria Hall; Danielle Hould; Gary Mikola; Ali Montes; Michael Phelan; John Phillips; Julianne Rill; and Renee Smith.