Cover: Novartis CEO Joseph Jimenez sits down with Pharmaceutical Engineering to discuss the rapidly changing health care landscape, the role of R&D, and how the industry can develop long-term sustainable models.
Feature: James Davidson of Lachman Consultants talks about the impact of GMP data integrity breaches and the costs of regulatory actions such as Warning Letters and import alerts.
Feature: JHL Biotech has grown from a start-up to a certified cGMP pharmaceuticals manufacturer in three short years. Nick Kotlarski, VP Validation and Engineering, gives us the backstory.
Special Report: Jim Curry, CEO of OpStat Group, explores the intersection of globalization, data integrity, and ISPE’s Operations Management Good Practice Guide.
Technical: Patricia Santos-Serrao
Technical: Matej Janovjak, John Cunningham, Adam Fermier, Steve Mehrman, and Roger Holenstein